X. Magyarvalkói Napok 2016 Július 8-10


We invite you all to the Valeni zilele /Valkoi napok July 8-10.

  Full program coming in romanian and hungarian next week; so for now, just a little summary of the highlights.  Events kick off on Friday evening, with a stewy ‘bogracs’, local songs and torch lit walk through the village. Douglas and I participate in as much as possible and we invite you to bring a tent, or let us know if you want to sleep in a hay barn bed, and join us.

Gustare/Kostolo big day will be Saturday 9 July. At 14.00, there will be a food tasting event in the Bagolyvar, the TKD association house. It will be a chance to try some G/K old favourites (all cheese flavours currently available, walnut oil, butter, bread etc. to sample some Valeni specialities and share some of your own too!! Yes, we are asking you, our Gustare Cluj supporters, if you have a house speciality – a cake, or drink, or preserve (muraturi/jam etc.) or plant etc. … something homemade/a bit different, to please bring along so that we can all have a little taste.

We are also going to hold, at long last, our annual forage (time to be fixed), collecting wild tea herbs and identifying anything we find on our path in three languages (that’s the hope!). It is always a great learning experience for us all.

Waiting to hear from you! 

Here we are with some more information about the event and the full programme for the whole weekend.

On Saturday 9 July, as part of the Valeni village days, between 14.00-15.00, at Bagolyvar, the association house in Valeni we are having a food tasting. We will have things to taste from G/K, and hopefully you can come and bring something interesting for us to taste too; and we are asking anyone in the village with a house speciality too.

We are also going to hold, (at last), our annual forage, collecting wild tea herbs and identifying anything we find on our path in three languages (that’s the hope!). It is always a great learning experience for us all. This will be at 18.00

Full program for whole weekend below in romanian and hungarian.  If you’d like to come for the whole weekend, please let us know before late Wednesday night (after that we will have no internet) so that we can organise.  We have 2 camping spaces in the garden and one camping space in the attic; at 208 house, there are a couple of camping spots in the courtyard; Erzsike has a barn full of hay.  It will be noisy but fun!

Zilele Văleniului, ediția a X-a

8-10 iulie 2016


VINERI, 8. iulie:

19:00 – Cântece populare

  • ”Gulyás” gătit în ciaun

  • Paradă cu torțe

SÂMBĂTĂ, 9. iulie:

10:00 – Programe pentru copii

  • Deschiderea oficială a festivalului

11:00 – Inaugurarea tablelor cu denumirea străzilor

  • Prezentarea costumelor populare din zona călatei

12:00 – Lansare de carte (Hover Zsolt: Kalotaszegi Madárleány)

13:00-14:00 – Pauză de masă

14:00-15:00 – Gustarea produselor tradiționale la ”BAGOLY VÁR”

15:00-16:00 – Plimbare și prezentarea muzeului etnografic ”Jékely”

16:00-18:00 – Grupul de dans : ”CIFRA” din Mera


”SUHANC” din Huedin

”MĂGURA VLĂDESEI” din Călățele

RISZEGVIRÁG” din Izvorul Crișului


18:00-19:00 – Tragerea biletelor de tombolă

19:00-20:00 – Pauză de cină

20:00-21:00 – Concert ”BUMERÁNG”

21:00-23:00 – Concert ”KNOCK OUT”

23:00-01:00 – Concert ”BUMERÁNG”

01:00- DISCOTECĂ în aer liber

DUMINICĂ, 10. iulie:

11:00-12:00 – Slujbă în biserica reformată

12:00-13:00 – Întâlnire cu fii satului

13:00-15:00 – Pauză de masă

15:00-16:00 – Călărie pentru copii

  • Grupul de dans din EGER

  • Campionat de tenis de masă, fotbal și baschet

16:00-17:00 – NAGY NOÉMI KRISZTA cântece populare

  • MAROSÁN CSABA actor (cântece)

18:00-19:00 – ”CSOCSESZ” concert

20:00-21:00 – ”CROSS” concert

X. Magyarvalkói Napok
2016. július 8 – 10.

Péntek, július 8.
19:00 – Bográcsfőzés, nótaest, népdaltanulás, fáklyás felvonulás, táncház

Szombat, július 9.
10:00 – Kézműves foglalkozások gyermekeknek
Ünnepélyes megnyitó, kalotaszegi népviselet bemutatása
11:00 – Néptáncosok felvonulása, utcanévtáblák avatása
12:00 – A Magyarvalkói Református Egyházközség régi varrottasainak kiállítása
Könyvbemutató (Hover Zsolt: A kalotaszegi Madárleány)
Ügyességi versenyek felnőtteknek
13:00 – 14:00 Ebédszünet
14:00 – 15:00 Házi termékek kóstolása a Bagolyvárban, eszközhasználati vetélkedő
15:00 – 16:00 Bemutatóval összekötött séta a Jékely Irodalmi Kertben
16:00 – 18:00 NÉPTÁNCCSOPORTOK fellépése:

– Magyarvalkói Kisiskolások
– Mérai Cifra Néptánccsoport
– Gyalui Tulipántos Néptánccsoport
– Bánffyhunyadi Suhanc
– Kiskalotai Măgura Vlădesei Néptánccsoport
– Körösfői Riszegvirág Néptánccsoport
– Egri Szederinda Néptáncegyüttes
18:00 – 19:00 Tombolasorsolás
19:00 – 20:00 Vacsoraszünet
20:00 – 21:00 BUMERÁNG – koncert
21:00 – 23:00 KNOCK OUT – koncert
23:00 – 01:00 BUMERÁNG – koncert
01:00 – Szabadtéri buli
Vasárnap, július 12.
11:00 – 12:00 Ünnepi istentisztelet
12:00 – 13:00 Kerekasztal-beszélgetés a pavilonnál (Valkóról elszármazottak és Valkón élők találkozója)
13:00 – 15:00 Ebédszünet
15:00 – 16.00 Lovaglás gyermekeknek
Egri néptáncosok fellépése
15:00 – Asztalitenisz-bajnokság, kapura rúgás, kosárra dobás
16:00 – 17:00 NAGY NOÉMI KRISZTA népdalénekes
17:00 – 18:00 MAROSÁN CSABA színművész („Nagyírásos” magyar írók Kalotaszegről)
18:00 – 19:00 CSOCSESZ
20:00 – 21:00 CROSS együttes

Boxnote 124 : June 28th


This week, we have lots of invitations.

The first has come about thanks to Bogdan and Corina. At Damos 68, our friends, undaunted by the rains, made a cathedral of an earth toilet and cleaned, organized the little (one room), no electricity house bringing it back into use.


Now, we can begin to ask you, to spread the request for a volunteer-apprentice to come to us on Monday, stay overnight in a tent and learn about, be involved in the creation of G/K from start to finish; to learn and help slowly repair the Damos 68 house and to return to Cluj on Tuesday with Zoli and the goodies. It will be a bit rough and ready, but like Bogdan and Corina, I think you’ll want to return! We can cover any expenses necessary. Please let us know if you or someone you know is interested in this exciting next step in the history of this little house and G/K.


The second is an invitation to the Valeni zilele /Valkoi napok July 8-10. Events kick off on Friday evening, with a stewy ‘bogracs’, local songs and torch lit walk through the village. Douglas and I participate in as much as possible and we invite you to bring a tent, or let us know if you want to sleep in a hay barn bed, and join us.

Gustare/Kostolo big day will be Saturday 9 July. At 14.00, there will be a food tasting event in the Bagolyvar, the TKD association house. It will be a chance to try some G/K old favourites; to sample some Valeni specialities and share some of your own too!! Yes, we are asking any of the Cluj supporters with a house speciality – a cake, or drink, or preserve (muraturi/jam etc.) or plant … something homemade and a bit different to please bring along so that we can all have a little taste.

We are also going to hold, at last, our annual forage (time to be fixed), collecting wild tea herbs and identifying anything we find on our path in three languages (that’s the hope!). It is always a great learning experience for us all.

Please message, mail us for more info., so we can make any arrangements necessary etc.

Here is your (mega) box this week!

Unusual mixed salad leaves – if you don’t know what something is, please ask us! … garden and wild rucola…. baby lettuce … endive …. quite a few blue borage flower (with a lovely cucumbery taste!) B+C (Bogdan and Corina) and Agi, Huedin, Damos, and Alunis.

soska/macris/sorrel added to the salad – Bozse, Bicalat.

Herbs: .peppermint….spearmint …. lemon balm….sage/salvia/zsaja Agi, Alunis , Douglas in Huedin, B&C in Damos

Bozse has become the G/K chamomile/Kamilla.. supplier! She now drys what she collects between market on her table on paper (all the older ladies do this) and I finish off in the solar drier; and picks fresh if she knows she can make it to market. I love the way we both ponder over how much money her pickings are worth; both of us hoping we can come to a suitable high price for her! I also love the way everyone wishes her well when she leaves to catch her bus back to Bicalat.

Agi collected some galbanele/korom virag/marigold flowers for drying; and some harsfa/tei/lime flowers.

Unfortunately, Csipet csapat got rained off in Valko this week and all the wilds they were due to pick did not arrive. Hopefully, on Thursday, together we can gather some for the solar drier!


Parsley Bozse Bicalat. Unfortunately, when gathering the market goodies together to take to Jeki’s courtyard, I picked up by accident, Domi‘s herbs, so they now fill the solar drier and I have a debt for next week! I thought he was telling me that a stranger had stolen his herbs .. not me!!! I made Iulianna’s herby chutney with all sorts of different soft herbs (parsley, basil, dill .. you can use them all!). http://foodviva.com/chutney-raita-recipes/green-coriander-chutney/

. the odd celeriac leaf is in there too! …and tarhon/tarkon from Bozse, Bicalat and Kati, Nearsova.

Ceapa verde /Zold hagyma/ spring onionZsofi, Huedin.

Fresh garlicDouglas, Damos, Bozse, Bicalat.

spinach, perpetual spinach – Zsofi, Huedin.

Little carrot bundles – Zsofi, Huedin.

Peas, fresh Piroska,. Tetis

dovlec, tok, zucchiniHajni, Tetis, Agi, Huedin . Everything is full on in the gardens at the moment! At the bottom of Agi’s collecting bag, we found a small zucchini wrapped in tissue from the Alunis garden!!

Broad beans- Agi, Alunis, Unfortunately, we didn’t meet Agi neni this week due to the incredible heat and exhaustion! So all of Agi’s collecing for G/K was organised over the phone. Szilard brought in her packages as usual and declared there to be a broad bean bonanza afoot. Next Sunday, we hope for milder weather and look forward to catching up with Agi and sorting out the garden together!

Br Bean recipe http://www.jamieoliver.com/search/?s=broad%20beans

And don’t compost your pods before boiling them up, cooling, squeezing (or mouli) for a rich tasty stock liquid.

We will be drying these in the solar drier for winter use. They are very tasty and very healthy. A must for any vegetarian.

Galbenele, chanterelle mushrooms Doina and Jozsif and family who live on dealul mare, Rasca. They only come to market occasionally when they have excess strawberries, or mushrooms.

Castraveti/ugorka/cucumber zsuzsi, Bicalat .

Ribizli/redcurrantsDomi and Erzsike, Huedin.

Meggy/visine/sour cherries Florica, Huedin and Rodica, Bolic.

Flowers two lovely bouquet from Maria containing feverfew flowers (the white and yellow – check them out on line for medicinal use); and garofita; szegfu, carnation from Kati, Bicalat.


GREENS HERBS EXTRAs – spinach – as above. Kale is sadly more or less over until the winter.

Ustoroita/keseru gomba Eva Tetis.

EGGS – Jeki (Huedin); Viorica (Hodis)

PASTA/LASKA/TAIETEI – Eva, Izvorul Crisului

Honey – Olimpia and Nelu, bees are now in Huedin, resting after their late spring journey for the bees to Bihor for the salcam/akacfa ..

MATURE cow and sheep cheese – Szilard. NEWSFLASH – Tuesday 12th July, Szilard and Ildiko have their annual camp in Alunis; so there will be no cheese delivery. Please order extra on 5th July if you know you are going to need it!

Apple Juice – The csipet csapat (the little people!), Valko. Made from local variety, autumn Valko apples and pressed, pasteurized in Bica village.

Mixed tea herbs and ginko tea herb I was incredibly impressed by the dried tea herbs Claudia’s family had brought and noted down Jozsif’s excited plant list,

the mixed tea herbs contain, tei, cimbrisor, menta de casa si salbatic, soc, afine uscata – the whole plant, zmeura cu stocol, chimion.

They use this tea for ‘raceala, diabet’. There is no sunatoare in the mix as this is not good for the ‘inima.

the beautiful ginko biliba were collected by head of the family who works in the botanical gardens, Cluj where the only tree in our area stands. This is good for blood circulation.

All of their tea herbs were gathered at full bloom and dried together in their clean, shady, breezy attic. They sought out the brown paper bags to package them in.

I asked for a photo to share with you but they are not a photo sort of family and declined.

Walnut oil and butter – The csipet csapat (the little people!) and Sandor Erzsi, Valko

Bread – Berde lldiko, baked in Alunis with flours from Valeni and kovasz/maia.

Always get everything out of plastic as soon as possible; even things in clean plastic like Pasta. I’ve been asking how pasta was stored pre-plastic days and I was told that it was put into a clean fabric napsack and suspended. It was so good/so dry.



Boxnote 123 : June 21 Gustare/Kalotaszeg Kostolo

Our second week in Jeki’s courtyard where we heard the cute courtyard dog is known as the ‘merges’ (angry) dog (because a long time ago, somebody bit somebody and M dog was involved .. but I’m not sure from Babi’s story who was the victor and who the victim!! )

I love the old market stories; the more involved I become with HPM, the more I realise that every market, even relatively new ones, are like ours and all have their tales to tell; all we have to do Is listen to them. I believe your local market is the most rewarding food shopping experience we can ever have.

When Zoli left with the goodies for Cluj; we collected the chamomile that springs up between the stones of Jeki’s courtyard for winter teas (it takes AGES picking chamomile);

I look forward to hearing what you think about Ildiko and Szilard bread .. ii is Edit’s recipe with a bit of a twist .some added zer/sova to give a softness.. it is a traditional thing to do and local.

Zoli, Szilard and I were actually discussing the deliciousness of zer/sova today and I heard how Z’s wife made balmos and his son went crazy for it; and even his wife, who didn’t like it (but had never eaten it); and how Douglas and I love it in soups, or even to just drink. Szilard will have more next week, so if you’d like it get it on the chart.

Photos – 1. when I run out of money and Douglas is transporting goodies from market to Jeki’s; I run up debts; today Zsofi neni was owed 35 lei and Olimpia 144 lei! You can see the sophisticated system we use to record it so as not to forget! IMG_1419

Viorica and her butter and cheese. Viorica’s amazing butter making skills are the main source for your ghee. I loved her buttery coloured blouse which melts into her cheese.IMG_1416

See further down for food specific stories.

Here is your Box this week!

Unusual mixed salad leaves – if you don’t know what something is, please ask us! … garden and wild rucola … dandelion/gyermek lancfu/papadie …. baby lettuce; Ilus neni seed, catalonia (red) marvel; lambs lettuce (I am finding the odd bit!) blue borage flower! Douglas, Julia and Agi, Huedin, Damos, Valeni and Alunis.

soska/macris/sorrelBozse, Bicalat. Doni Piri; Bozse II and Sarah (from Krazna) helped out Bozse (85). We heard from Doni that Bozse has an awful cough at the moment. Over the counter medicines cost the same as Bozse earned from Gustare group today (I tried to encourage soc flowers and ‘sea holly’, which was amazing cure for me when I had bronchial problems, to no avail!).

Herbs: .peppermint….lemon balm…..sage/salvia/zsaja Agi, Alunis and Julia, Valko , Douglas in Huedin, Damos (and the csipet csapat) cimbrisor/kakkufu, Valeni. .

corriander – Julia, Valko and Agi, Alunis, Kati in Damos. I am making more of Iulianna’s corriander chutney recipe http://foodviva.com/chutney-raita-recipes/green-coriander-chutney/ it was so good last week!!!

.. the odd celeriac leaf is in there too! … and a bit of tarhon/tarkon from Bozse, Bicalat.


marar/kopor Maria, Zsofi, Huedin, Agi, Alunis

Parsley – Kati, Bicalat, and Maria Huedin,

Ceapa verde /Zold hagyma/ spring onionZsofi, Huedin. Zsofi and Zsebe Kati (Damos) helped me tie into bunches some of the TKD garden herbs for you. (the csipet csapat often forget their string, so today, Zsofi and Kati took some of the pain out of the task and nearly sold a bunch of chives to a Huedin market goer while they were at it! Better luck next time!!

Fresh garlicDouglas, Damos,

spinach, perpetual spinach – Zsofi, Huedin. Zsofi is only selecting the very best leaves.

Peas, fresh – you have two people’s pickings, Kati from Bicalat and Zsofi, Huedin. Zsofi’s are smaller and not so attractive but I found hers very delicious; she shelled them early this morning (and was desperate to finish at market and go and have a sleep!).

Unfortunately, on Sunday, an ice storm came to Huedin (it didn’t reach Damos or Alunis, where we were). The ice smashed some of her spinach leaves, so this is why the extras spinach are not looking very good. Eat fast! She is now the only person at market with perpetual spinach. All conventional spinach has finished or shot (gone to seed).

Fresh young broad beans or purple ‘mange tout’ or young beetrootJulia, Valko and Agi, Alunis, Douglasi in Damos.. Eat the small peas raw; but you’ll have to stir fry the larger mange tout and the whole broad beans. We’re going to make a pasta sauce with our ones tonight.

Ustoroita/keseru Eva and Piroska, Tetis. After the rains, these enterprising neighbours hit the fields around their village and collected these goodies!

Little Spring cabbage zsuzsi, Bicalat .

Castraveti/ugorka/cucumber zsuzsi, Bicalat . The first!

Fekete ribizli/blackcurrants/coacace negru Bozse, Bicalat.

Flowers An annunciation Lily. I always think of Dante Gabiel Rossetti (pre-raphaelite painter) when I see these flowers. And you also have Agi neni‘s speciality – marigold/corn flower/nigella bunches with a bit of swishy green fruu, snaffled from her daughter-in-law’s garden. You can make tea/dry/make creams from the marigold flowers


GREENS HERBS EXTRAs – Kale/kel/varza furajera – red curly Agi – Magyorokereke/us – Damos and Csipet csapat, Valeni (and yes, this tiny bag! Kale plants are plentifful but they are tiny at the moment … in the late Autumn, you will be drowning in kale! and spinach – as above.

EGGS – Jeki (Huedin); Kati (Damos)

PASTA/LASKA/TAIETEI – Eva, Izvorul Crisului

Honey – Olimpia and Nelu, Huedin, Poliflora (you just got the last two jars today!) – Mesteaca and a journey to Bihor for the salcam/akacfa ..

MATURE cow and sheep cheese – Szilard.

Apple Juice – The csipet csapat (the little people!), Valko. Made from local variety, autumn Valko apples and pressed, pasteurized in Bica village.

Walnut oil and butter – The csipet csapat (the little people!) and Sandor Erzsi, Valko

Nuts – Magdi, Horlacea

Palinka – Szilard

Bread – Berde lldiko, baked in Alunis with flours from Valeni and zer/sova! Amazing!

Always get everything out of plastic as soon as possible; even things in clean plastic like Pasta. Recently, I’ve been asking how pasta was stored pre-plastic days and I was told that it was put into a clean fabric napsack and suspended. It was so good/so dry.

Boxnote 122 : June 14


Boxnote 122 : June 14 Gustare/Kalotaszeg Kostoloi – Hrana naturala, locala de la satele din zona Huedinului

There is a lot of bad stuff going on at the moment, foreigners and locals stealing peasants land, while others use and ‘rent ‘land without paying; soil is destroyed with chemicals, massive ugly buildings are erected that pollute.

SO we must be grateful for those who continue to garden and for the historic meeting point where we come together to celebrate them, and think of ways we can help, encouraging more awareness of seed origin, spraying, soil fertilisation and more realisation that you, those in the city want to make connections with them, give support and enjoy their healthy fresh and homemade products.

This week, Jeki and Agi hosted us in their beautiful courtyard and many Gustare producers popped by including Rodica, who cycles the 4km from Bolic to come to market (you can see her above with her packages).


Last week, I visited Zsofi (perpetual spinach+), and together, we tiptoed outside into her AMAZING garden through an almost secret door in her tiny room. Massive green fields lay behind the houses that line nagy utca – the big market street and I feel as though this layout hasn’t much changed over centuries, with land divided by hand made earth paths into various neighbors plots with an odd chair for a tired ‘tante’ to rest and catch up with the news.

I’ve lost count of how many crumbling bread ovens I’ve seen recently and people I spoke to about baking for Gustare temporarily until Edit returns, all to no avail, so you can imagine how delighted we were when Szilard arrived in Agi’s courtyard with the cheese and told us that Ildiko, his wife will do a trial bake for us in their bread oven next week. So if you’d like to try an Ildiko, Alunis version of our famous nut bread, get it on the order form (there is a maximum of 10 and as far as I know they will be around the same size and form as Edit’s rectangular). Well that’s the plan!

Here is your Box this week! ny

Unusual mixed salad leaves – if you don’t know what something is, please ask us! … cress … wild rucola … young hasmatiu/turbolya/chevril, miners lettuc, baby lettuce and catalonia topped with a blue borage flower! – Kati, Julia and Agi, Huedin, Damos, Valeni and Alunis.

  • soska/macris/sorrelZsofi, Huedin. After losing Miheala’s 2kg nuts last week I asked Zsofi if she’d help us out this week by being the Gustare goodies ‘watch(wo)man’ at market. All the bags ‘grew’ in number at her feet while we ran around building up the pieces of Gustare!

Tea Herbs: Spearmint …..peppermint….lemon balm…..sage/salvia/zsaja Agi, Alunis and Douglas in Huedin and Kati in Damos. The heavy rains prevented Julia (and the csipet csapat) from picking tea flowers in Valko.

corriander – Julia, Valko and Agi, Alunis, Kati in Damos. I also got some this week, and am looking forward to making Iulianna’s corriander chutney recipe http://foodviva.com/chutney-raita-recipes/green-coriander-chutney/

.. the odd celeriac leaf is in there too! …

chivesDouglas, Huedin and Agi, Alunis;

marar/kopor i, Zsuzsi, Bicalat, Zsofi, Huedin, Annus, Ketesd, Agi, Alunis

Parsley Zsofi, Huedin, Annus, Ketesd

Ceapa verde /Zold hagyma/ spring onionZsofi, Huedin; Ildiko, Fildu de sus. Ildiko and Douglas are doing a bit of seed exchanging, so hopefully Ildiko will have some corriander, rucola, and lambs lettuce for the market and you in future.

Fresh garlicDouglas, Damos, Ildiko, Fildu de sus

spinach, perpetual spinach – Zsofi, Huedin. Zsofi is only selecting the very best leaves. Annus, Ketesd and Agi – Alunis.

Dried beans/fasole/paszuly – probably the last of last year! Ibolya, Horlacea.

Fresh young broad beans or purple ‘mange tout’ or young beetrootJulia, Valko and Agi, Alunis, Kati in Damos.. Eat the beans or peas raw or lightly stir fry; make a botwinki or chlodnik – http://polishhousewife.com/chlodnik-cold-polish-beet-soup/

Spring cabbage zsuzsi, Bicalat .

Agres/egeres/gooseberry Annuska and Annus, Ketesd

cherries/cierese/cseresznye iren, Bicalat

Flowers Agi neni made these amazingly pretty marigold/corn flower/nigella bunches; and CC made the rest in Valko .. You can make tea/dry/make creams from the marigold flowers


GREENS HERBS EXTRAs – Kale/kel/varza furajera – big leaf and curly; and tops/sprouts/hajtas Agi – Magyorokereke and spinach – Annus neni, Ketesd; Lobodo – Agi, Alunis.

EGGS – Ramona (Cristesti in Rasca, the mountainy border of Kaltoaszeg), Lucretia (Farnas), Viorica Klina (Hodis), Erzsi (Horlacea), Annika (Morlaca). We are so lucky to have so many happy chickens in the region who get to eat home grown and prepared foods.

PASTA/LASKA/TAIETEI – Zsuzsi and Eva, Izvorul Crisului and Arany, Huedin.

Honey – akacfa/salcam – Olimpia and Nelu, Huedin, Mesteaca; Szilveszter Banta – poliflora (but 80% of the mixed flowers were akacfa/salcam!) .. Olimpia also has poliflora …

MATURE cow and sheep cheese – Szilard.

Apple Juice – The csipet csapat (the little people!), Valko. Made from local variety, autumn Valko apples and pressed, pasteurized in Bica village.

Walnut oil and butter – The csipet csapat (the little people!) and Sandor Erzsi, Valko

Nuts – Magdi, Horlacea